Coffee and boots? Two of my favourite things and Joshua Bingaman's as well!
Joshua Bingaman has started a coffee company, opened a shop, and his other love? Making boots of course! HELM Handmade was established by Joshua fueled by his lifelong passion for men's shoes and boots. The best part is HELM boots are unisex. HELM products are designed in Austin, handmade in Istanbul, with leather from Holland and Australia, and soles from Italy and France. Talk about an international collaboration. Careful craftsmanship and old world boot making techniques set HELM apart in the boot market, creating footwear that you can enjoy for years, and only get better with age.
**Note: Joshua is also a musician, perhaps a cover of Blur's Coffee and TV could be re-invented as Coffee and Men's boots
Joshua Bingaman |
This fall i'm feeling a rugged and relaxed look: cozy, stylish, functional, lots of layering. With Jessica Alba, Kate Bosworth, Miss Moss and Rachel Bilson rocking worn in men's boots, they are definitely on my list of fall must haves.
My favourite boots from the collection are the Jarmon ($445). The Jarmon boot (Joshua's mother's maiden name) is quite sexy on a man, but would surely find a nice home on my feet! Inspired by vintage Vasque hiking boots, the simple military design is finished with additional canvas that lends itself to a traditional safari boot. Water-resistant, vintage hardware, and you can add red laces (sold on HELM's website) to add a final feminine touch.
Now... time to style them:
HELM Handmade Jarmon Boot |
-Equipment worn in western top under Topshop cable knit grandpa cardi
-Pendleton reclaimed silver bramble cuff
-Genetic denim Shane cigarette jeans
-Pendleton buckle bag
...and if you want to add some Davy Crockett to this situation...
Thuy foxtail |
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